Football is the the subject...The topics are yours!!

This is a Blog displaying the latest news and more importantly Views on the world of Football...Let me know what YOU think!!

Welcome to Football Mania

How you all doing football mad type people?

I thought I'd set up my own blog as I do nothing but watch, talk about and dream bloody football! Pretty sad I think!
But then again can you think of anything that pumps the adreneline more than watching your fave club or national team doing well or even winning?? Guess not or you wouldn't be here!
The topic is Football (obviously ) the topics are yours (and mine) so be cool, join in and have fun!!

Love it....


Tuesday 30 October 2007

The rotation policy is out the window opening the way for England to bid for the 2018 World Cup.
Gordon Brown is for it, the Government is for it and the fans are for it. But, there's always a but, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg have already formally tabled a joint bid.
So in my humble opinion why waste the money bidding for something that we are not going to get? Fair enough, we won the Olympic bid but how much has it already cost us? And they won't even let us field an English football team!
Use the money that will be put aside for the bid to improve grass roots football in this country, so enabling us to maybe win the damn World Cup sometime in the future!!

1 comment:

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